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O U R   A P P R O A C H

We listen to you.


We take the time to really get to know you and your goals.


We do the hard work.


We'll design a unique video structure for you.


We make your video.


On the shooting day, we'll take the pressure off your shoulders.


We make sure you're happy.


With a set of changes included, we make sure that you are 100% happy.

O U R   P R O M O   V I D E O S

Videos for your business.
H I G H  - Q U A L I T Y
W E   L I S T E N   T O   Y O U


We put ourselves into your shoes and really understand what you're all about. We take the time to get to know you and what your company wants to achieve. We capture your ethos. This way we can make a video that represents and 'feels like' your company.

G E T   A L L   Q U E S T I O N S   A N S W E R E D


By taking the time to talk about all your goals & wishes for the company in the future, you will have time to find out what really matters to you about this video project and where your company wants to improve in terms of video marketing. We advise what video can do for you.

F I N D   O U T   W H A T   R E A L L Y   M A T T E R S   T O   Y O U


No one likes to be left in the dark, so we give you the opportunity to ask us about everything you want to know - after all you don't know all the stuff we know about film & video. We take the time to explain all processes and approaches until you're happy that you understand how things work.

H I T   A L L   Y O U R   M A R K E T I N G   G O A L S


Hitting your marketing goals is the most important thing but scripts often make videos slow and uninteresting. Our Inquisitive solution is very precise in hitting all your goals but still gives your video a sincere & emotional tone. And the very best thing about it: We will make sure that your marketing messages come through.

W E   D O   T H E   H A R D   W O R K


We translate all your marketing needs and messages into 'film language', designing a unique video structure for you that engages your audience on an emotional level. This step of 'designing the video' will make an Inquisitive video just that much different from getting someone to simply film your stuff.

Y O U   W O N ' T   B E   L E F T   A L O N E


We design a unique video structure for you that achieves all your goals and engages your audience on an emotional level. This treatment will already be able to tell you what your video will look like and what content will be covered at what runtimes: You can be sure that you will deliver exactly what your company needs.

F I N D   O U T   W H A T   T H E   V I D E O   W I L L   L O O K   L I K E


You know what you want and what you need to achieve but a big video project can be intimidating - after all you want to get it right. Don't worry, we won't leave you alone. We will spearhead the planning process, help you out with all your problems and concerns and provide you with the recommendations and info you need.

Y O U   C A N   R E L A X


We understand video is an investment from your part so you want it to be good - working with us means that instead of crossing your fingers during filming and hoping for the best, you will know where we're at every step of the way. Once you're happy with the treatment you can lean back whilst we make it happen.

H A V E   F U N


We send you a suggested shooting schedule. On the filming day, we take all the pressure off your shoulders and make sure everything from the treatment will be covered. Whilst we film the material we need, you can lean back and enjoy the spectacle - after all a film shoot is rather exciting.

4 K   C I N E M A   R E S O L U T I O N


We also deliver film quality sound recorded by our sound specialist with a boom mic. A boom mic is dangled down from a pole during filming - so no annoying clip-on mics on your shirt and no rustling noise!

F I L M   Q U A L I T Y   S O U N D


We record in HD for the standard corporate video, but we can record in up to 4K cinema resolution if you would like to make it extra special. 4K is four times the size of HD and equivalent to cinema resolution.

C O L O U R   G R A D I N G


Colour correction and grading are film tools often skipped in corporate videomaking, but with us you will get the most out of the recorded image. It might seem a bit "film technical" but the colour grade is what will make your video look extra high quality. Have a look at our before and after comparison.

W E   T A K E   T H E   T I M E   T O   G E T   I T   P E R F E C T


We will deliver a first edit putting everything together as in the treatment. From here, we believe in conversation and feedback. You'll be surprised what a difference a few simple clicks and trims can make. This is really the time for polishes and for you to let us know what your ideas for changes are.

F R E E   C H A N G E S


The set of free changes and feedback time will enable you to send the first video edit around internally with a password so all the important people on your end can have a look before the edit is locked down. You can collect opinions from everybody and let us know your set of changes which we will make for free.

D E L I V E R   W H A T   Y O U R   C O M P A N Y   N E E D S


Our standard corporate video always includes one set of free changes as we want you to be able to get it perfect and be happy with the end result - this is part of our service.

B E   1 0 0 %   H A P P Y


We make sure you're 100% happy with the end result so we will spend all the time needed to make your video perfect. Once the final version has been confirmed, we will deliver a master file to you that you can upload online. Or - alternatively - we can upload the video for you. And that's it! Your video is done.

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